Sunrise at the Jetty
Saturday, 21 May 2022 17:03
It’s winter and clear sunny days can be few and far between. Luckily this morning was a spectacular morning, with clear blue skies and striking sunshine. Good timing as I’ve just received the Voigtlander Color-Skopar 21mm f/3.5 ASPH II and I’m eager to try it out.
So far, all seems good and it’s an interesting exercise photographing with the wide viewing angle this lens captures. Not only because I’m not a wide angle enthusiast but also because the M cameras only have 28mm frame lines. Interestingly enough, quite unexpectedly, I don’t find it too difficult to guess the framing with what I can see around the 28mm frame lines.
I think the 21mm will force me a little out of a comfort zone. It's very easy to include too much in an image with a super-wide lens, and I’m not sure if this lens will be used for landscapes unless it's a minimalistic or abstract subject. I think it can be used creatively to accentuate and contrive some scenes, especially with its incredible resistance to flare.